Tuesday, May 1, 2007

My Gift

Two days ago I decided to stop taking the anti-depressant and reduce my sleeping pills. The anti-depressant has really made me depressed and it has not help my legs anyway. It did at the beginning but not so much anymore. So I thought, while I am still in a small dose I just stop it. My doctor is on vacation this week so I cannot discuss this with her. I hope I did the right thing.

Ever since I had diabetes, I have always been sour about it. I really wish I can be a normal girl; I want to eat whatever and whenever; do whatever and whenever. I really wish my life is going back to before I was 12. Then, yesterday I watched Halle Berry in TV. She has been diabetic and she said it was a gift from God. It really hit me. I thought to myself I'd better to start thinking that way. Yes, it is my gift for it has made my life more meaningful. Normal is boring!

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